Unlike generations before us, parents - in particular from middle- and upper-income families - seem to now view children as projects to be cultivated.
As exhausting as it is to answer each question and nurture each talent, few parents want to neglect this work because they’re afraid of not giving their child every advantage possible. Even though it’s draining to focus so much on parenting your children, you do it anyway, often to the detriment of the adult self.
What if motherhood didn’t have to be this way?
As featured in Forbes, learn about Sara Blanchard’s third model of motherhood - the Flex Mom, who has a parallel track to the hamster wheel of parenting, a track that lights her fire and fuels her energy, increasing her happiness and fulfillment as she pursues her own goals even while raising her children..
As a bonus, Sara created a free workbook to help parents who are reading Flex Mom process as they go. Request it by clicking below!
“Sara is the real deal. She is incredibly intelligent and capable, while being humble and compassionate.... Flex Mom is a powerful model and has the potential to lift women up in a world which is in desperate need of their leadership, their wisdom and their happiness. ”
Flex Mom will help you...
- Understand why it’s easy to fall into the trap of SAHM vs working mom
- Recognize the Flex Mom as a third model of motherhood
- Drop judgments that are holding you back
- Create the space you need to pursue your passions
- Begin identifying your goals outside of the home
- Master the tools and tips to move from isolation to broader fulfillment
- Believe that it’s possible to be lit up with excitement as you raise your children
MILE HIGH MAMAS: Pursuing your passions while juggling motherhood
MOTHERING.COM: 3 tips to being a successful flex mom